User Access and Roles

Managing user access and roles is essential for employers using Dutybell to post jobs and handle the recruitment process efficiently and securely. This feature allows employers to grant specific permissions to users within their organization. Here’s a guide on user access and roles under the “Posting Jobs” category for employers using Dutybell:

1. Log In to Your Employer Account:

Start by logging in to your Dutybell employer account. If you don’t have an account, you’ll need to sign up and create one.

2. Navigate to User Access and Roles:

Within your employer dashboard, locate the “User Access” or “Roles” section. The exact location and labeling may vary, but this is where you can manage user roles and permissions.

3. Add Users:

If you need to add new users to your Dutybell employer account, there should be an option to add users. Typically, you’ll need to provide their email addresses.

4. Assign User Roles:

Each user can be assigned a specific role with associated permissions. Common user roles include:
Administrator: Admins have full access to all features, including posting jobs, managing applications, and customizing the company profile.

Hiring Manager: Hiring managers can post jobs, review applications, and communicate with candidates.
Recruiter: Recruiters typically focus on sourcing and screening candidates, with limited access to other administrative features.
Interviewer: Interviewers can assess candidates but have restricted access to other parts of the platform.
Viewer: Viewers may have read-only access to job listings and applications without the ability to make changes.

5. Set Permissions:

Customize permissions for each role. For instance, you can specify whether a role can create job listings, review applications, or extend job offers.

6. Specify Job Access:

Some platforms allow you to grant access to specific jobs or departments. This is particularly useful for larger organizations with multiple hiring teams.

7. Edit or Remove Users:

You can edit the roles and permissions of existing users or remove them from your employer account if they no longer require access.

8. Review User Activity:

Some platforms offer the ability to monitor user activity and track changes made by different users.

9. Security and Data Protection:

Ensure that user access is managed securely to protect sensitive candidate and company information. Use strong passwords and implement two-factor authentication for added security.

10. Provide Training and Support:

If you have multiple users with varying roles, it’s essential to provide training and support to ensure they understand their responsibilities and how to use the platform effectively.

11. Regularly Review User Roles:

Periodically review and update user roles and permissions to align them with changes in your organization’s structure and hiring needs.
User access and roles management on Dutybell enable employers to streamline their hiring process, enhance security, and facilitate collaboration among team members involved in recruitment. By following these steps, you can effectively assign roles and permissions to users within your organization, ensuring that each user has the appropriate level of access and control over the recruitment process.