Login & Signup

Sign up with an email and password

Click Sign Up at the top right of your desktop, laptop, or mobile browser.

Enter your name, your email address, and a unique password.

*It is highly recommended to use a strong password, i.e use from Capital Alphabet A-Z, Small Alphabet a-z, Number 0-9, use *#@()/. Don’t use your name, birth date or any easily recognizable word.

Next, Click Sign up.

Log in with an email and password

 On your desktop, laptop, or mobile browser, click login at the top right.

Enter the credentials you used to sign up.

Click Log in.


Log in with Facebook or Google.

 If you have previously signed up for DUTYBELL using the Facebook, or Google option, click login at the top right of your browser.

Select Continue with Apple, Facebook, or Google.

Follow the prompts to complete the sign-in process.


How to log out of your DUTYBELL account

If you’re accessing your DUTYBELL account from any public or shared device, be sure to log out of your DUTYBELL account when you’ve finished your work.

Forget to logout or direct closing the browser may lead temporary block of your account access and if our system found any suspicious activity then it will block all access to your last logged in IP. Also, there is a higher chance to lose your data. So it is recommended to always log out.

Go to the profile image at the top right of the page.

Click Log out in the dropdown menu. The logout option is also available inside the dashboard.